1. Inventory System. Supports the following:
*. Consumable items.
*. Tooltips.
*. Dropdown menu with item actions.
*. Dropping items back into the world.
*. Currency.
2. Trade System. Supports the following:
*. Players can see when trade partner locked their trade window.
*. Both players have to accept the trade before it's finalized.
3. Grouping system. Supports the following:
*. HUD group display.
*. Group menu.
4. Quests and experience system. Supports the following:
*. Interaction.
*. Gathering.
*. Reaching location.
*. Killing.
*. Group quests - quest progresses for whole group.
5. Chat system. Supports the following:
*. Global chat.
*. Party chat.
*. Whispering.
*. System messages.
*. Item links which can be pressed.
6. Blueprint based ability system. This system does not use the GAS plugin. Supports the following:
*. Casting times.
*. Projectiles.
*. Buffs.
*. Debuffs.
*. AOEs around the caster.
*. AOEs around the target.
*. Has AI support.
7. PVP system
8. Instancing system. The instances are created on the same server, we do not deploy additional servers.
Notice the instance exists on the player that generated it and the server, it does not exist for all the players.
System supports both solo instances and group instances (all group members get sent to same instance).
9. In-game mail system. Supports the following:
*. System mails.
*. Sending mails with attachments.
*. New mail indicator.
*. Mail sorting.
*. Various mail controls such as marking mail as unread.
10.Auction system based on SQL. Supports the following:
*. Viewing an item prevents it for others from buying.
*. Purchased items are delivered by mail.
*. Items purchase confirmation.
*. Temporary items and permanent items sale: Permanent items will persist through server restart while temporary items will be deleted on server restart.
11.Player shops which allow players to set up their own shop.
12.Remote console based on UDP connection. Allows to send commands to Unreal server without being in-game, from a windows console application.
In addition, allows to receive messages from the server as response to the sent commands.
The console has blueprint support.
13.Conditional in-game macro language. Allows to set conditions by which the macro will change the active skill.
Macro example:
"@default Fireball
@self Health > 50 Curse"
Will set the active skill to be Fireball as long as our health smaller than 50, otherwise will set it to Curse.
14. Build system with automatic item snapping and indications whether an item can be built or not at the given location.